Mobile Inspection

How to Properly Inspect a Fire Sprinkler System

July 24, 2024|Mobile Inspection|

As stated by the American Fire Sprinkler Association, “Fire sprinklers are widely recognized as the single most effective method for fighting the spread of fires in their early stages”. This means that fire sprinkler systems can make a significant difference in the event of a fire emergency. Because they are responsible for providing a rapid response [...]

Streamlining Campus Safety: The Role of College Fire Inspection Software

June 28, 2024|Mobile Inspection|

College fire inspection software is the future of fire and life safety programs on universities and college campuses. Learn more about it here. Ensuring the safety of a college campus, with its diverse buildings and bustling student life, is no small feat. Today, the integration of cutting-edge technology has become a game-changer in the realm of [...]

5 Advantages of NFPA Inspection Software

December 12, 2023|Mobile Inspection, Software|

Why Replace Paper Inspections With NFPA Inspection Software? NFPA inspection software is revolutionizing the way businesses handle inspections and documentation. Going paperless with NFPA inspection software offers several key advantages for organizations that manage safety assets. In this blog post, we will explore five significant benefits of using NFPA inspection software to eliminate the [...]

Software Conversion Made Simple With InspectNTrack

September 17, 2023|Mobile Inspection|

Our goal is to make the software conversion process as painless as possible so that your team can migrate to the new software program with ease. Too often safety professionals find themselves stuck with software that has major drawbacks despite being intended to easily facilitate inspection and maintenance management on safety assets. Sometimes the issue is [...]

5 Benefits of AED Inspection Software

July 31, 2023|Mobile Inspection|

Because of AED's life saving capabilities, maintaining them through inspections is a high priority. Here are 5 benefits to using AED inspection software during inspections. Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are life-saving devices designed to provide immediate medical assistance during cardiac emergencies. Use of an AED within the first few minutes of a cardiac arrest event can [...]

4 Handheld Scanner Features Ideal for Quick and Efficient Safety Inspections

November 8, 2021|Mobile Inspection|

4 Reasons to Use Handheld Scanners This article explores 4 features and benefits of using handheld scanners to perform fire and life safety inspections. Increased efficiency can be yours. One of the more important ways companies maintain their safety protocols is through automated safety inspections with handheld scanners. Inspections are essential for ensuring fire extinguishers, [...]