Our goal is to make the software conversion process as painless as possible so that your team can migrate to the new software program with ease.

Too often safety professionals find themselves stuck with software that has major drawbacks despite being intended to easily facilitate inspection and maintenance management on safety assets.

Sometimes the issue is with surprise billing and escalating expenses due to pay-per-scan or pay per customer setup pricing models. Other times the software package lacks the features needed to accomplish field inspections or manage deficiencies properly. Or maybe the department is stuck using the company’s ERP or work order management platform which just doesn’t cut it. Whatever the reason, a better inspection management platform such as InspectNTrack is available to replace the issues with newfound efficiency.

The thought of better software is exciting at first, but that excitement can be quickly replaced with fear or discouragement when the buyer starts to consider the software conversion process.

Common questions about the software conversion process with InspectNTrack:

  • “How will I get my data out of the old system and into InspectNTrack?”
  • “Will I need to re-barcode everything?”
  • “How do I get the software configured to my specific requirements?”
  • “How will I learn to use something new?”
  • “How long will the software conversion process take?”

Rest assured, Wentworth’s seasoned implementation team has answers to these questions and more. Our goal is to make the software conversion process relatively painless so that your team can migrate to the new software program with as little disruption as possible. Let’s review the steps to a successful software conversion and implementation.

Implementation Overview

Every new InspectNTrack client is assigned an implementation specialist. The implementation specialist directs the software conversion process and personally works with the client until the system is setup and live. The implementation specialist is your key to a smooth transition, ensuring that each step is done properly and on schedule.

Data Import for Software Conversion

Getting the necessary data out of the existing software and into InspectNTrack is a primary concern in the software conversion process. The thought of having to rebuild the equipment list from scratch, or individually enter each asset into the system is troublesome enough to make most people give up on switching software. The good news is that this type of manual work is not necessary. InspectNTrack uses a data import process that loads the equipment into the software all at once. Data exports from other systems come in all formats, shapes, and sizes. Luckily, our development team has decades of experience working with data manipulation and has the skillset to process almost any type of data provided. This helps ensure a seamless software conversion process.

InspectNTrack’s data import capabilities are very advanced and have the ability to create a complete hierarchy with a single import. It can setup customers, buildings with addresses, routes and zones. It creates locations and equipment. The equipment import is comprehensive and includes equipment type, serial number, manufacturer & model number, manufacture date, and last-done dates for all inspection and maintenance tasks. This means that your InspectNTrack system is setup with complete data and ready to go on day one. Task scheduling is accurate so you can begin work in the new system without missing a step.

Oftentimes new clients are concerned because they don’t have access to complete data records. That’s OK too! We can import data with whatever level of detail you have accessible. The InspectNTrack mobile app has a field setup workflow that allows for easy update of missing or incorrect equipment data including barcode ID, last-done dates, and more.

The data import process can seem overwhelming, but our expert implementers have likely seen it all and will walk you through the process until complete. With InspectNTrack, data import doesn’t need to be a stressor or pain point in software conversion.


Although not required, InspectNTrack works best when used with barcodes. What does that mean for implementation and software conversion? If you use barcodes with your current software, you can continue using the same barcodes with InspectNTrack. InspectNTrack does NOT require expensive, proprietary barcodes and can read all standard barcode formats plus QR codes and RFID/NFC tags. Some software providers attempt to make their barcodes proprietary by encasing the ID numbers with * symbols. Not to worry. Zebra brand scanners can be programmed to remove the unwanted symbols so that the barcodes can continue to be used.

What if your equipment is not already barcoded? We have a process in place for that. You can barcode the equipment prior to import, or the equipment can be imported with temporary ID numbers. There is a feature on the InspectNTrack mobile app that allows you to barcode the equipment in the field and then easily scan that barcode to replace the temporary ID associated with the equipment.

If you are importing fire extinguishers the serial numbers can be used as the equipment ID. Most modern fire extinguishers have the serial number barcoded on the manufacturer’s label. This is a great shortcut that bypasses the need to purchase extra barcodes.

If you are importing fall protection or PPE gear check to see if the equipment has embedded RFID/NFC tags. InspectNTrack, when used with a Zebra mobile computer, can read those tags as well.

Sometimes we hear that the current system contains too much bad data and the client prefers to just start over. InspectNTrack’s field setup module allows users to walk each route and simultaneously barcode and scan each equipment into the software as they go. Once an equipment has been added, the appropriate inspections and forms will be instantly and automatically added. It can also then be inspected on the spot.

Regardless of how barcodes are integrated into your process, InspectNTrack software can handle them easily during software conversion.

Software Configuration

Your InspectNTrack implementation specialist will ensure that your software is configured to your specific needs.

If you use inspection questions or forms that you would like to continue using with InspectNTrack, they are easily added. On the other hand, if your reason for leaving your current software is due to less-than-perfect inspection questions or forms, that will be corrected during the transition to InspectNTrack. Either way, InspectNTrack is here to simplify the software conversion process.

One thing that sets InspectNTrack apart from other software platforms is the configurability. The equipment list and inspection forms are open and able to be edited or added to. This is all setup to your needs initially during implementation and is able to be indefinitely modified. There is no requirement to call InspectNTrack for ongoing changes to the software and there is no fee to add on to the system. Our goal is to facilitate easy growth by keeping all setup and add-on features accessible to the system administrators.

Training & Software Conversion

After system setup is complete, attention turns to training. There is no way to avoid the fact that new software comes with a learning curve; however, we take great strides to reduce the learning curve as much as possible. One way we do this is through offering personalized training to address your specific workflow needs as part of the software conversion and implementation process. There are two options for this offering. It can be conducted remotely via screenshare sessions or in-person with your InspectNTrack implementation specialist coming to your facility. Our trainers are familiar with many of the software platforms on the market, and this helps them to accurately compare old and new processes during training. Generally, two days onsite is enough to train the entire team, from administrators to reporting users to field technicians. This training helps instill confidence in new users during the software conversion process.

After the initial training is complete, system users continue to have access to the InspectNTrack online knowledge base. The knowledge base is filled with information about how to use the software. The articles consist of short how-to videos and step-by-step instructions with images. It includes a search bar where users can type in questions and receive answers. If an answer cannot be found, the knowledge base includes a chat feature so that users can live-chat with the InspectNTrack support team. Live support is also available to answer questions and concerns via phone or email. Rest assured, you will not reach and automated answering service when you contact InspectNTrack. This way, software conversion doesn’t have to seem stressful, daunting, or frustrating. Instead, it is a seamless process with great results!


While switching inspection software programs can seem like a daunting task, selecting a vendor who is experienced and prepared to manage your conversion lessens the risk. A seasoned implementation team and a documented conversion process reduces risk and delays. With InspectNTrack, the software conversion process is made simple. An implementation specialist will help with data import, transfer of barcodes, software configuration, adequate training, and more! For more information, please contact our sales team at sales@wentinc.com.

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