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The reporting menu is broken down into several sections. The following summarizes the information provided in each report:

What’s Been Performed:

History Report – Details historical inspection information, including a large selection of filter options. This report can be filtered based on: Site, Customer, Route, Zone, Equipment Type, individual Equipment record, Task or any of the Location fields (as well as some other options). Check Show Summarized Graph to include a graphical summary of the data in the report header. The History Report is an excellent compliance reporting tool.

Tour Report – Details inspection information based on the actual inspection process, including the Route Name, the Inspector, Date and Time stamps and every Location and Equipment record that was scanned, with the inspection results. This is a sequential report from the beginning to the end of the route. Multiple filter options are available. Check Show Summarized Graph to include a graphical summary of the data in the report header.

Recently Performed Tasks Report – Detail inspection information based on Tasks that have been performed based on a selected date criteria. Multiple filter options are available. Check Show Summarized Graph to include a graphical summary of the data in the report header.

Overview of Tasks Performed – Summary report that includes Tasks performed for each month of the current year, previous year or a custom year selection. Additionally, this report also displays missed inspections.

Route Task Report – Summarizes per Route, Last Done Dates and Pass/Fail status.

What’s Still Due:

Detailed Task Report – Details inspection information based on the Next Due Dates or what is due in the future. Outstanding monthly inspections can be determined by selecting the last date of the current month. Summary Graphs are an option on this report. There is a limit of six Tasks on this report.

Summary of Due Task Report – Details inspection information based on percentage of completion and percentage incomplete for selected date criteria. Summary graphs are an option providing a quick and easy to read snap shot of what is complete and incomplete.

Task Status Report – Details Task Status information with the option of highlighting overdue inspections. Summary Graphs are an option on this report. Critical dates included are: Last Done, Next Due and Next Overdue. There is no limit to the number of Tasks on this report.

View Abnormal Inspections:

Incident and Discrepancy Report – Details Incidents and Discrepancies that are generated during either the inspection process or manually generated. There is a filter option to generate Discrepancies and no Incidents. Summary Graphs are an option on this report. Schedule Email delivery is an option.

Executive Management Report

Executive Management Report – Summarizes inspections per Customer/Division/Route by grouping the total number of Pass, Fail, Skipped, Missed, Incidents and Discrepancies per Equipment Type. Additionally, the Code Reference associated with the failed Questions, the Standard and Reference Codes for the Incidents are included. Optionally, signatures can be included.