The Recently Performed Tasks Report provides last done dates for one or more tasks per checkpoint in a grid style report. It offers excellent visibility to overall equipment status on equipment such as fire extinguishers that have multiple tasks.

The Options section at the top of the filter screen allows you to customize what information is displayed and how it is sorted. The report is sorted by route, with route headers displaying their associated equipment. Multiple routes can be included in one report. You may uncheck the “Show Summarized Graph” box if you do not wish to display the graph at the top of the report.
The main filters allow you to determine which information to include in the report. Leaving these filters blank includes all the information in the system for the selected time period. The system will select 6 tasks to include in the report if no tasks are selected. Using a filer can narrow the report to only include tasks from a selected Customer/Division, Route, or Zone. When using these filters, you should only use one of the options. For example, if you wish to run a report for a zone, only use the zone filter – do not also select the customer/division and the route. This confuses the system and may produce no results.
Equipment Filters offer a great way to get even more specific with reporting. They allow the report to be filtered to only a selected equipment category, sub-category, or equipment description. You would use this if, for example, you wanted a report that only included fire extinguishers and excluded all other equipment categories within the selected route. The building filter can pull though inspections by building without regard for route & zone, but the building must be included in the location details of the checkpoint setup for this option to work.
Finally, we have the Date Filters and report generation buttons at the bottom of the screen. The duration defaults to “Last 30 Days”, but the report date range can be set to anything. There are preset filters for options like today, tomorrow, this week, this, month; but there is also a custom date range option. Unless expressly requested, data is never purged from your system so reports can be run to include data from as far back as your system has existed.
After all the filters are set, use the “Generate PDF” button to create a complete PDF document, or the “Preview Report” button to view one page at a time of the report and export to PDF, Word, or Excel. Click here for more information about exporting to different formats.