How is InspectNTrack’s Inspection Software Automated?

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This article dives into InspectNTrack’s automated inspection software. It explains what automated software is and the benefits of using it.

When onboarding to InspectNTrack, users have the option to create dynamic scheduling for their devices. This creates reminders for upcoming inspections, however often is preferred.

Once the scheduling is set up, the automated reminders exist for the life of the devices. In addition to having automated reminders, there are also automated reports after the completion of an inspection. Once an inspection is completed, InspectNTrack will create a report of each asset that was inspected and the data that needs to be collected. This information is then stored in the Cloud server so it can be easily accessed.

In fact, all automated inspection software information is stored in the Cloud to ensure it is not corrupted. Without a Cloud server, companies are reliant on expensive hosting services and Internet connection, both of which can be unreliable. Thankfully, our software and its Cloud-hosted feature address this issue and provide a simple solution.

We’d love to give you a free demo of our inspection app.

Why Do Inspections Need To Be Automated?

It may seem like automated inspections are an unnecessary feature due to the simplistic nature of an inspection. For some companies, it is easy to track and perform inspections completely manually with no issues. Unfortunately, that is not the case for most midsize and large companies. 

With so many assets to track (on top of manager’s other responsibilities), it’s difficult to perform effective inspections. That’s why InspectNTrack automates the inspection process. We want our automated reminders and inspection reports to make the process easier for managers everywhere.

How Does Automated Inspection Softwares Differ From Other Inspection Software?

There is a difference between automated inspection software and just inspection software. While an inspection software can still track and inspect assets, it does not provide some of the beneficial features that an automated inspection software does. 

For example, automated inspection software can remind technicians when it comes time to perform an inspection, and then it navigates the technician where to go to reach the asset that needs inspection. An inspector software that is not automated simply provides a place to collect inspection information. Without reminders, it is easy to forget when specific inspections are due, rendering the inspection software useless. 

In addition to inspection reminders, those with just an inspection software may be stuck copying their inspection results to a database where it can be stored, which takes time and resources.  Without automated inspection software that stores and sorts reports, users are stuck doing this process themselves. If report storage is not done properly and the NFPA asks for past inspection reports, companies can be left with fines despite completing the inspections. 

INT software is Cloud-hosted making it an ideal automated inspection software

Want to learn more about the InspectNTrack inspection app?

InspectNTrack | Automated Inspection Software And Customizable Features

In addition to being able to automate inspections, InspectNTrack provides features that make it the optimal choice when it comes to an inspection software. 

The InspectNTrack platform is extremely customizable, allowing for multiple aspects of the software to be changed. When it comes to what questions are asked during an inspection, users can use the preset questions made by the NFPA, or create custom questions that fit their company’s needs. Admins can also customize the routes that technicians follow. This ensures that no asset is missed, and that time is not wasted looking for the next asset. 

The features of customization, in addition to having automation in an inspection software, make asset inspections as easy and efficient as possible.  

Contact us today for a demo or to learn more.

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InspectNTrack automated inspection software