The Importance Of Fire Extinguisher Inspection Software

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Undoubtedly, a fire can result in significant costs and potential catastrophic consequences for any business. Therefore, it is crucial to possess dependable software for inspecting fire extinguishers. In the unlikely event of a fire, having functional and safe extinguishers can make a crucial difference, minimizing damage, ensuring employee safety, and reducing the inherent risks associated with potential fires.

The significance of having readily available functional fire extinguishers cannot be overstated. Equally important is the utilization of fire extinguisher inspection software.

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Utilizing Fire Extinguisher Inspection Software

Apart from being required, having and maintaining fire extinguishers is a necessity for any business. However, depending on the size of the organization, hundreds of fire extinguishers may be needed. Keeping track and servicing that quantity of fire extinguishers can be a daunting task, which is why it is essential to rely on a fire extinguisher inspection software to assist in the management of those assets.

What Is Fire Extinguisher Inspection Software?

Fire extinguisher inspection software  — as the name implies — is a software that assists in the inspection of fire extinguisher assets. Different softwares may perform this task in minutely different ways, but the basis of what they do is the same. 

A fire extinguisher inspection software will first be able to track and account for each individual asset. This means, if your organization employs 100 fire extinguishers throughout the different buildings, the software should be aware of each 100 fire extinguishers, where they should be located, and what state they are in. The state of a fire extinguisher refers to if it needs to be checked, refilled, or even replaced.

Maintaining Fire Extinguisher Safety

Keeping track of the status of each asset is vitally important, because just having the fire extinguisher in the right place means nothing if it is empty or expired. A fire extinguisher inspection software will be able to automate the process of tracking the status of each asset. 

This means that when a service is due, you will be notified via the software of what needs to be done. Apart from ensuring assets are kept in their best state, this also eliminates the need for you to manually check assets before needed — a practice that wastes time and money. 

Along the same lines, another advantage to using a fire extinguisher inspection software is that it helps standardize the inspection process across the organization. Once a process is set up via the software, it becomes an easily repeatable process, ensuring that the quality of your inspections remain high. This means that no matter who is tasked with doing the inspection, the quality should be the same.

Fire Extinguisher Inspection Software - Scanning a Unit on the Wall

Want to learn more about the InspectNTrack fire extinguisher inspection app?

Fire Extinguisher Inspection Software Tracks Updates

It is important to remember that a fire extinguisher goes through different types of inspections throughout its lifetime. In an ideal world, all your fire extinguishers would be on the same lifecycle but that is not realistic. 

Out in the field this means is you may have one group of fire extinguishers needing a 5-year inspection, while another group needs a 10-year inspection, and a third set needs a 12-year inspection  which are all needed at different times and in different locations.  Manually keeping track of all the different information is difficult and timely, and puts your organization at risk for mistakes. Using InspectNTrack for your fire extinguisher inspection software alleviates chance for mistakes by providing scheduling automation for all your equipment.

InspectNTrack’s Real Time Reporting

When you choose InspectNTrack’s fire extinguisher inspection software, it allows you greater visibility in reporting. The software will track the data entered, and then be able to provide you with real time reports of all your assets. This means in one view, you can quickly see which fire extinguishers are in what phase of their lifecycle, when inspections will be needed or are past due, and other useful information to help manage the safety inspection process. InspectNTrack offers this solution and many different types of hardware.

Ready to get started using a fire extinguisher inspection software from InspectNTrack? Contact us today for a demo or to learn more.

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Inspection software fire extinguisher