Industry Leading

Fire Extinguisher Inspection Software

Fire Extinguisher Inspection Software

InspectNTrack’s fire extinguisher inspection software is the industry leader for performing barcode driven fire extinguisher inspections. It excels at performing inspection and maintenance tasks for fire extinguishers on their own, or combined into efficient routes with other fire, life & safety equipment. InspectNTrack software effectively manages inspections to ensure that they are on-time and accurate. The system is complex enough to turn any inspection into a custom, streamlined activity, but simple enough to offer a painless and intuitive user experience. Features include:

Failed Inspections Trigger Follow-Up Actions

InspectNTrack goes beyond simply documenting inspections and ensures that fire extinguishers which fail inspections automatically generate corrective action. Corrective actions include:

High-Speed Inspection Options for High-Volume Routes

Created to meet the needs of universities and companies with large volumes of fire extinguishers, our high-performance module is a lightning fast way to document monthly visual inspections and update extinguisher locations with two simple barcode scans. A typical inspection performed in this manner takes only 15 seconds!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Fire Extinguisher Inspection Software?

Fire extinguisher inspection software is a leading solution to safety asset inspection. InspectNTrack’s software was created to meet the needs of institutions and businesses with a high level of fire extinguishers, so they can get inspections done fast, keep data organized, and stay in compliance with regulations.

How Does Fire Extinguisher Inspection Software Work?

InspectNTrack  fire extinguisher inspection software works by providing a barcode scanning system for your use. All you have to do is perform two simple barcode scans. A typical inspection only takes about 15 seconds!

Once scanned, our software will determine the state of the fire extinguisher, and alert you to any problems or fixes that need completed. Our software also learns the layout of your facility, so you will be guided through the fastest route possible. Once the barcode inspections are complete, our system seamlessly documents and organizes the data so it’s easy for you to find. Plus, the software automatically reminds you when inspections are due, and when incidents or discrepancies need to be addressed.

Do I Need Fire Extinguisher Inspection Software At My Workplace?

There is no mandated way to perform safety inspections. However, manual inspections take more time, are prone to human error, and are more likely to become disorganized. When you choose InspectNTrack fire extinguisher inspection software, you’ll streamline your inspection process and keep your data organized automatically. This eliminates stress, saves time, and allows you to put more money and resources back into your business.

What Are The Benefits Of Fire Extinguisher Inspection Software?

There are countless benefits to fire extinguisher inspection software. InspectNTrack software is in document compliance with the National Fire Protection Association and keeps meticulous records when you need them. 

Our software creates guided inspection routes to keep equipment organized, and keep technicians guided through the fastest possible route. We also have an intuitive mobile app for your use that shows where you are on the route, what needs to be completed, and what’s been done. Not to mention, InspectNTrack software is automated, so you’ll never miss a fire extinguisher inspection. This software provides peace of mind, ensures safety, and is a great way to effectively manage inspections without wasting any time.

How Frequently Should I Inspect Fire Extinguishers?

The NFPA 10 requires that fire extinguishers be inspected when they are initially installed, and once a month after that. For extinguishers that are in locations where they are more prone to rust or tampering, the National Fire Protection Association recommends that they are inspected more frequently. 

Always check with local codes if you are wondering how frequently to inspect your fire extinguishers. 

Read More About Fire Safety Inspection

Customer Success

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The software makes my inspectors job pretty easy, it helps to keep my program and university compliant with the state and city laws.

- William E.

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Pros include the ability to be able to take a paper tracking and reporting of activities to a computer based program. Also, to be able to do this on the fly from any location. To be able to prove that a Security was in a particular area and at what time is a very valuable tool to have.

- Jerry E.

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InspectNTrack makes Fire Extinguisher inspections a breeze.

- Robert W.

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The Number One product on the market for inspection tracking of fire and safety equipment

- Charles J.

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InspectNTrack was easy to set up and deploy. It is invaluable for tracking all of our fire equipment and their inspection requirements. We are always looking for other ways to expand its use into other Security related areas.

- Scott Q.