Security Settings

How to Force Barcode Scanning and Prohibit Manual Visits

October 17, 2022|

A user can be prevented from manually visiting checkpoints and/or performing manual inspections. This is controlled within the user group permissions setup. Click here for more information on configuring user groups. In order to prevent manual visits, navigate to the Mobile Device Permission field of a user group and designate Change Checkpoint ID as No Access. [...]

View Active User Settings

October 17, 2022|

View Active User sessions displays and details User activity. This screen is accessed via the administration menu. The Concurrent User section displays: Purchased - number based on user licenses purchased Used - total number of current active connections Available Seats - total number of User connections available The lower sections details the active User connections and provides [...]

View Login History

October 17, 2022|

Login History View Login History details all InspectNTrack logins, including failed logins. Failed Logins include a reason for the failure.

Configure Password Settings

October 17, 2022|

Security Settings Manage Password Settings provides the functionality to place specific password requirements for all Users. Password Security is a critical issue for computers user in general and the subsequent need for smart-formatting passwords is ever increasing. Use this feature to manage: Password Length - select the number of characters required Password Must Contain - select number [...]

Configure User Groups

October 17, 2022|

  User Group Permissions User Groups allow you to define group roles and limit the rights of a given user to those necessary to fulfill their role. Rights are defined in User Groups and then a User Group or Role is assigned to specific users giving them only the access they need. Limiting your users access helps [...]
