
How To Simplify NFPA 80 Compliance

January 24, 2024|Software|

What is NFPA 80? NFPA 80 is the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) standard titled "Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives." This standard provides requirements for the installation and maintenance of fire doors, windows, and other opening protectives to ensure their effectiveness in containing and controlling the spread of fire within a [...]

5 Advantages of NFPA Inspection Software

December 12, 2023|Mobile Inspection, Software|

Why Replace Paper Inspections With NFPA Inspection Software? NFPA inspection software is revolutionizing the way businesses handle inspections and documentation. Going paperless with NFPA inspection software offers several key advantages for organizations that manage safety assets. In this blog post, we will explore five significant benefits of using NFPA inspection software to eliminate the [...]