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Service Plan allows the administrator the ability to apply tasks that are a applicable to a division of a customer. A case would be I have a customer that we only perform certain tasks (Annual, 5-, 6- and 12-year tasks) and we want to suppress tasks that are not applicable like a Monthly.

Below are the steps to create and apply a service plan to a division of a customer.

1. Go to the Admin tab and select Manage Service Plans

2. Click Add New and provide a Service Plan ID (up to 20 characters) and Description (up to 35 characters).

a. Note: there are 2 UDF fields, Field 1 and 2 that are restricted to 20 characters, these fields are only on the service plan record and not displayed in any list.


Service Plkan Step 1


3. Next select the applicable tasks or services you provide for this customer/division.


Service Plan Step 2


4. Select Save

5. Go to Route Builder and select the division by clicking the link that you want to apply the Service Plan to.


Service Plan Step 3


6. Next click on the magnifying glass button and select the Service plan that applies to this division.


Service plan Step 4


7. Once the plan is selected tap Save on the division header to save your changes.

8. Now that you have applied this change, view any record within this division to verify that your changes have been applied to the equipment types applicable to the tasks filtering.

9. These filters will apply to the following:

  • Any equipment within this division
  • Users’ assignments sent to the device, with exception of
    • New equipment setup
    • All Tasks

10. Reporting

  • All reports withing the “What’s still Due” section of the reporting module.
Service Plan Step 5


11. When running reports, it is required that you select the Customer/Division from the filters to drive the Service plan, if you just select a route within a division without selecting the Customer/Division filter the suppressed tasks will be shown in the report.


Service Plkan Step 6


12. You can select more than 1 division with in the report filters and the proper Service Plan will be applied for each selected division.