Getting Started

Category description

Creating Equipment Types

October 5, 2022|

    Equipment Types are equipment categories or groupings of similar checkpoints. Scheduling is managed at the Equipment Type level. When defining Equipment Types; consider the frequency of inspection, the inspection checklist and ultimately the terminology that is required for reporting purposes. General Tab Equipment Types are comprised of three fields: Category, Sub Category, and [...]

Admin Basic System Setup

October 5, 2022|

The first step towards configuring a new InspectNTrack system is to set up basic company details and user groups within the InspectNTrack Admin panel. The following video provides an overview of basic admin setup:

Planning and Configuration

October 5, 2022|

Planning out your new InspectNTrack system prior to beginning setup will help ensure that the end product meets your needs. The following video discuss topics that are important to consider during this process.