Implementing a New Pre-populated System

Prepare Equipment for Upload

June 6, 2023|

As you prepare to implement a new system you are likely starting to gather information about your equipment for upload. Equipment and locations can be uploaded into InspectNTrack. A specific template is required. The templates can only be uploaded by Wentworth so the completed template should be provided to your support or implementation specialist. The video explains [...]

Compile a User List

June 6, 2023|

Each user that accesses InspectNTrack should have their own unique login. InspectNTrack uses login information to determine which user performs inspections and other activities within the system. The following information is required to setup a new user: Full Name User ID - This can be anything such as employee ID, first name, last name, etc. Letters and [...]

Review the Equipment List for Completeness

June 6, 2023|

Equipment types have been pre-configured within your system. Please review the configuration to ensure all equipment you intend to load in is present. To access the equipment list, from the web application hover over Checkpoint and click on Equipment Type.   This navigates to the Equipment Type screen where you can view all of the pre-configured [...]

Route Builder Planning

June 6, 2023|

This article discusses the planning process involved with setting up a new route builder.   The route builder is accessed from the top menu bar, and it the area of the system where you setup your customers, facility, routes and zones. It is important to spend some time thinking about how you want your inspection [...]