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Why do I lose my checkmarks after I sync?

June 24, 2024|

If your user assignment or shared assignment uses the "Send All" logic, the mobile app will start a fresh session each time you sync and clear your progress checkmarks and your checkmark counters at the bottom of the screen. This can be changed with a settings change in the user or shared assignment management screen. When the [...]

How to Store Question Responses to Equipment Record

September 18, 2023|

Questions can be setup to store answers to the equipment record. This is particularly helpful for pressure readings, time readings, and any other data that is used for future comparison. The following steps describe the setup process: First, create a property for the type of response you wish to store. Only users with Administrator permissions can complete [...]

A customer, route, or zone is not showing up on my device

July 10, 2023|

If you synchronize your mobile app and do not see the customer, division, route, or zone that you are looking for there are a couple of possible reasons. There are no tasks due. If your mobile assignment is setup to sync only due and overdue tasks, it will not display customers, routes or zones when there are [...]

Why do I see a P after completing inspections?

June 6, 2023|

What does it mean when a grey P is displayed next to a customer, division, route, zone, or checkpoint? P stands for "Partial". This means that the record in question has been visited but is not yet complete. For example, If you are working within a route that has 50 inspections due and you complete 49 inspections, [...]

Why Can’t I Open a Task?

March 21, 2023|

Before a task can be opened, a visit to a checkpoint must be recorded. This can be done in one of two ways: Scan the checkpoint's barcode. Record a manual visit to the checkpoint. If you are tapping on a task and it will not open, go back and formally record a visit to the the checkpoint [...]

Where is the Inspection Portal?

March 21, 2023|

Previous versions of InspectNTrack included a tab called Inspection Portal. The Inspection Portal offered a way for desktop users to complete tasks without the use of a mobile device. The inspection portal has now been replaced with a version of the mobile app that can be installed on Windows based desktop and laptop computers. It alleviates some [...]

Why do questions have a green checkmark before I answer them?

October 18, 2022|

If you begin an inspection on the mobile device and notice a green checkmark next to one or more of the questions before you have answered them, your questions have been setup with default answers. You still have the option to tap on the question and answer it, or you may click finish and complete the task without opening and [...]

Barcode Requirements

October 18, 2022|

Barcodes used with InspectNTrack can be 4-20 characters in length. The can include letters and numbers. They cannot include spaces or special characters other than a dash. It is recommended that when letters are used they are all capitalized. A mix of capital and lowercase letters can not be used with code 39 barcodes. Compatible barcode types [...]