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If your user assignment or shared assignment uses the “Send All” logic, the mobile app will start a fresh session each time you sync and clear your progress checkmarks and your checkmark counters at the bottom of the screen. This can be changed with a settings change in the user or shared assignment management screen.

When the “Update completed Due Task Status” setting is enabled, the mobile device will always display a checkmark next to every checkpoint that does not have a due task. The counters at the bottom of the screen will also include the complete checkpoints in the count. A “P” will be displayed for checkpoints that are partially complete. The icons also display for customers, divisions, routes, and zones.

To modify this setting, navigate to a user’s assignment management screen and/or a shared assignment management screen.

In the General section at the top of the screen, select “Send All” and check the box in front of “Update completed Due Tasks when Send All is selected.” This setting ensures that all assigned checkpoints are synced to the device regardless of task due status, and that checkmarks are placed in front of checkpoints that do not have a task due.




The following video provides a comparison of the two different Sync All options.