Premium Package

$240+/mo - billed annually

License Clarifications

User Seats: Each InspectNTrack system allows for unlimited users to be created and active. The number of user seats included in your package determines the number of users who can login to the system at the same time. User seats can be shared by multiple users who access the system at different times.

Device Licenses: The Basic subscription allows for unlimited mobile app user access.

Checkpoint Limits: Each unique barcode used to create a fixed equipment, moveable equipment, or location that houses a moveable equipment is considered a checkpoint. The checkpoint limit is designated in each package.

  • Total: $0.00

Premium Package Description

The premium subscription package includes one site, unlimited device licenses, and concurrent user licenses based upon the tier:

Tier 1 includes 2 concurrent user licenses

Tier 2 includes 3 concurrent user licenses

Tier 3 includes 4 concurrent user licenses

Tier 4 includes 5 concurrent user licenses

The quoted software price is an annual subscription fee. The onboarding fee is a one-time fee.