Simplify Inspections in Educational Facilities

EHS Directors at college and university campuses know that tracking and inspecting safety equipment is vital to their fire and life safety compliance programs. Because of the high quantity of devices being managed at educational facilities, it can be uniquely challenging to stay organized and in compliance. InspectNTrack organizes equipment into routes to simplify the tracking of multiple inspection checkpoints throughout each building and across your entire campus footprint.  InspectNTrack offers safety asset tracking, automated inspection scheduling, guided field inspections, mobile inspections, and robust reporting. It efficiently manages inspections for classrooms, labs, research facilities, dorm and residence buildings, common areas, and more.

InspectNTrack’s mobile barcode scanning app efficiently completes NFPA, OSHA, and EHS inspections for fire extinguishers, fire alarms, sprinkler systems, emergency lights, exit doors, eyewash stations, lab equipment, HVAC, security, and more.

Streamline equipment location tracking with InspectNTrack’s proprietary moveable asset feature. Barcoded locations make it a snap to verify on-system equipment locations, update inaccurate locations, move equipment, and take equipment in and out of service; all with a simple location barcode scan.

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Speed-up Safety Inspections

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Compliance Without
the Complexity

Effortlessly streamline and manage
inspections across your entire
campus, ensuring safety, compliance,
and peace of mind.

Features for Mobile Inspections include

  • Document compliance with NFPA and OSHA regulations

  • Automated inspection scheduling – never miss an inspection

  • Customizable inspection questions, answer inputs, and reports

  • Flexible barcode inputs accept 1D, 2D, QR, manufacturer’s barcodes, existing barcodes, or brand-new ones. Easily swap out degraded barcodes in the field.

  • Add fire extinguishers manually, via file upload, or in the field from the mobile app

  • Routes keep equipment organized and guide technicians through the optimal inspection path to ensure efficiency and prevent equipment from being missed.

  • Intuitive mobile app uses color coded icons to show a technician where he is on a route, what is complete, and what still needs to be done.

High-Speed Inspection Options

Created to meet the needs of universities with large volumes of fire extinguishers, our high-performance module is a lightning fast way to document monthly visual inspections and update extinguisher locations with two simple barcode scans.  A typical inspection performed in this manner takes only 15 seconds!

Universities who use InspectNTrack